What is a registered agent? The Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC) requires every domestic or foreign filing entity to maintain a registered agent and office in Texas. The Section 5.201(b) of the Word, PDF) and 1 Tex. Admin. Code ¤ 79.29.
What is a registered office? An entityÕs registered office must be a physical address in Texas where the registered agent can be served with process during business hours. The registered office is also where the Office of the Secretary of State will mail correspondence. A registered office is the business office address of the registered agent and may be the same as the entityÕs place of business. It cannot, however, be a post office box that is part of a commercial mail or message service unless that commercial enterprise is the registered agent.
Excerpted from: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/corp/registeredagents.shtml